Mueller and Texas County Reporter

Arms of Hope has a strong commitment to Christian principles and the spiritual development of the children and mothers in our care. Over the past 15 years, the Together Program has shown that commitment by helping motivated single mothers and their children transition into successful, independent futures by providing parenting skills, career training and a home in a peaceful and safe environment. Arms of Hope currently ministers to 70 single-mother families every day on the Boles and Medina Campuses and God has given us an incredible opportunity to expand that number to 80 families in desperate need! Under the guidance and direction of our Board of Directors, a new campus is opening in Bastrop, Texas that will exclusively implement this voluntary placement program for 10 families. Through God’s blessing, Arms of Hope has an accomplished history of a multi-generational vision of offering healing for mothers while also preventing children from entering the foster care system. Our holistic approach of keeping families together by first and foremost providing the love of Christ and then case management, counseling and education has produced time-tested results. Arms of Hope will use the gift of this additional resource in Bastrop to bless even more families for the greater good of communities throughout Texas. For more information please click: Thank you for your generosity and helping us truly reach generations by helping children and families find a future filled with hope and promise, We couldn’t do it without you!